
Ukrainepeople7 Meldungen



Hoch (7 Meldungen)


Ukraine (+380)


Letzte Meldung

07.12.2021 um 18:35 Uhr


Am häufigsten gemeldet (2 Meldungen)


Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +3808880984



Keine Angabe 2 Meldungen
29 %
Kostenfalle 2 Meldungen
29 %
Phishing-Anruf 1 Meldung
14 %
Spam (Allgemein) 1 Meldung
14 %
Unseriös 1 Meldung
14 %

Aktivität der letzten 120 Tage

Insgesamt wurde die Rufnummer +3808880984 erst 1 mal angefragt. Die höchste Aktivität (1 Anfragen) wurde Heute (04.05.2024) verzeichnet.

Neue Kommentare

messageKostenfalle - Hello my name is Aaliyah Smith State number FS694 this is a notification call from our department of tax debt and financial settlement services the ... mehr

Hilfreich 0Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

messageSpam (Allgemein) - Tax relief due to Biden administration.

Hilfreich 0Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

messageKostenfalle - Identity Theft, Scam or Phishing Call, 380-888-0984. Multiple times a day including very early in the morning and late at night. A recorded call as... mehr

Hilfreich 1Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

messagePhishing-Anruf - This is Mary Fletcher and I'm from the IRS. The Biden administration has a program that can relieve you of your tax debt or have it diminished.

Hilfreich 2Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +3808880984


Details zur Rufnummer

Rückwärtssuche: Die Telefonnummer +380 888-098-4 stammt (laut Internationaler Vorwahl 00380) aus Ukraine. 7 User-Meldungen für diese Rufnummer führen zu der Annahme, dass es sich um folgenden Typ handelt: Keine Angabe.

Herkunftsland Ukraine (Ländervorwahl 00380)
Internationale Schreibweisen 003808880984
+380 8880984
+380 888 098 4
+380 888-098-4

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung von Alex?

Identity Theft, Scam or Phishing Call, 380-888-0984. Multiple times a day including very early in the morning and late at night. A recorded call as Mary Fletcher or Aria Smith who fraudulently claims to be attached to a government tax debt removal program asking for personal your information. Will instruct you to call 380-888-0984. Recording comes from dozens of numbers; 541-219-9706, 458-703-1162, 541-219-3219, 503-782-1816, 971-286-1837,etc... no matter how many you block.

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung?

Hello my name is Aaliyah Smith State number FS694 this is a notification call from our department of tax debt and financial settlement services the purpose of this call is to inform all US citizens on our state list about the new tax debt compromise program this program is part of the American rescue plan put into affect by the Biden administration and is now open for enrollment the new tax I would compromise program will allow you to significantly reduce or eliminate your tax debt your tax debt can now be considered temporary only non-collectible however you must elect to enroll into the program now it is only open for a limited time to enroll in a tax debt compromise program please call me back at my assigned number 380-888-0984 this message has been marked completed by Alia Smith State number FF694

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung von Lynn wilson?

This is Mary Fletcher and I'm from the IRS. The Biden administration has a program that can relieve you of your tax debt or have it diminished.

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung von Glenn Mason?

tax relief due to Biden administration.

Super & Danke!

Herkunft der Meldungen

Geografische Einordnung


Herkunftsland der Rufnummer: +3808880984

7 User-Meldungen
Wem gehört die Nummer +3808880984?



07.12.2021 um 18:35 Uhr

Hello my name is Aaliyah Smith State number FS694 this is a notification call from our department of tax debt and financial settlement services the purpose of this call is to inform all US citizens on our state list about the new tax debt compromise program this program is part of the American rescue plan put into affect by the Biden administration and is now open for enrollment the new tax I would compromise program will allow you to significantly reduce or eliminate your tax debt your tax debt can now be considered temporary only non-collectible however you must elect to enroll into the program now it is only open for a limited time to enroll in a tax debt compromise program please call me back at my assigned number 380-888-0984 this message has been marked completed by Alia Smith State number FF694

Hilfreich 0Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

Spam (Allgemein)

17.11.2021 um 20:42 Uhr
Glenn Mason aus Lynchburg, VA

Tax relief due to Biden administration.

Hilfreich 0Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +3808880984



17.11.2021 um 01:57 Uhr
Alex aus Seattle

Identity Theft, Scam or Phishing Call, 380-888-0984. Multiple times a day including very early in the morning and late at night. A recorded call as Mary Fletcher or Aria Smith who fraudulently claims to be attached to a government tax debt removal program asking for personal your information. Will instruct you to call 380-888-0984. Recording comes from dozens of numbers; 541-219-9706, 458-703-1162, 541-219-3219, 503-782-1816, 971-286-1837,etc... no matter how many you block.

Hilfreich 1Nicht hilfreichVerstoß


08.11.2021 um 20:46 Uhr
lynn wilson aus usa

This is Mary Fletcher and I'm from the IRS. The Biden administration has a program that can relieve you of your tax debt or have it diminished.

Hilfreich 2Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

... sowie 3 weitere Bewertungen der Seriosität.

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +3808880984


Ukraine: Derzeit häufig gesucht oder gemeldet



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