
people6 Meldungen



Hoch (6 Meldungen)


Letzte Meldung

14.07.2023 um 15:57 Uhr


Am häufigsten gemeldet (2 Meldungen)

Verdacht auf Spam

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8338443200



Verdacht auf Spam 2 Meldungen
33 %
Keine Angabe 2 Meldungen
33 %
Phishing-Anruf 1 Meldung
17 %
Kostenfalle 1 Meldung
17 %

Aktivität der letzten 120 Tage

Insgesamt wurde die Rufnummer +8338443200 bereits 155 mal angefragt. Die höchste Aktivität (1 Anfragen) wurde Heute (03.05.2024) verzeichnet.

Neue Kommentare

messageKostenfalle - I received a call from a Leaha Jackson (from area code 731), saying she was with the County Processing Unit. She said that she had an order to serve... mehr

Hilfreich 0Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

messagePhishing-Anruf - Voice message left by caller states my name and last 4 numbers of my SSN# and a case number says he is from the Franklin County Processing and then ... mehr

Hilfreich 2Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

messageVerdacht auf Spam - Someone called and said that I had a case and was being sued. They gave a supposed case #. They knew the last 4 numbers of my social, which is very ... mehr

Hilfreich 3Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8338443200


Details zur Rufnummer

Rückwärtssuche: 6 User-Meldungen für diese Rufnummer führen zu der Annahme, dass es sich um folgenden Typ handelt: Verdacht auf Spam.

Internationale Schreibweisen 008338443200

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung?

Voice message left by caller states my name and last 4 numbers of my SSN# and a case number says he is from the Franklin County Processing and then cites a case# saying I will be served at home and/or my place of employment. He then leaves the phone# 833 844 3200 and case# to see who the filing party is.

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung?

Someone called and said that I had a case and was being sued. They gave a supposed case #. They knew the last 4 numbers of my social, which is very scary. They mentioned someone named Paul Clark and I should call him to find out further information. They didn't say a company name or anything.

Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung?

I received a call from a Leaha Jackson (from area code 731), saying she was with the County Processing Unit. She said that she had an order to serve me papers, and that if I had questions to contact 833-844-3200, who was the filing party. She had some of my personal information correct, but some of it was incorrect. She also gave me a case number. I did have a default loan from when I went through a divorce years ago, so it would be easy to fall for this. I ended up contacting the loan company that I had a loan in default with and have paid them off directly. They had never heard of this company. Prior to paying off my loan, I did contact the city of Jackson, TN (the area code was Jackson, TN that Leaha Jackson called me from), and the clerk there said it was Spam and to not contact them back. Leaha Jackson doesn't answer her phone and calls are immediately routed to the 833-844-3200 number.

Super & Danke!

Herkunft der Meldungen

Geografische Einordnung

6 User-Meldungen
Wem gehört die Nummer +8338443200?



14.07.2023 um 15:57 Uhr

I received a call from a Leaha Jackson (from area code 731), saying she was with the County Processing Unit. She said that she had an order to serve me papers, and that if I had questions to contact 833-844-3200, who was the filing party. She had some of my personal information correct, but some of it was incorrect. She also gave me a case number. I did have a default loan from when I went through a divorce years ago, so it would be easy to fall for this. I ended up contacting the loan company that I had a loan in default with and have paid them off directly. They had never heard of this company. Prior to paying off my loan, I did contact the city of Jackson, TN (the area code was Jackson, TN that Leaha Jackson called me from), and the clerk there said it was Spam and to not contact them back. Leaha Jackson doesn't answer her phone and calls are immediately routed to the 833-844-3200 number.

Hilfreich 0Nicht hilfreichVerstoß


17.05.2023 um 14:15 Uhr

Voice message left by caller states my name and last 4 numbers of my SSN# and a case number says he is from the Franklin County Processing and then cites a case# saying I will be served at home and/or my place of employment. He then leaves the phone# 833 844 3200 and case# to see who the filing party is.

Hilfreich 2Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8338443200


Verdacht auf Spam

06.03.2023 um 22:26 Uhr

Someone called and said that I had a case and was being sued. They gave a supposed case #. They knew the last 4 numbers of my social, which is very scary. They mentioned someone named Paul Clark and I should call him to find out further information. They didn't say a company name or anything.

Hilfreich 3Nicht hilfreichVerstoß

... sowie 3 weitere Bewertungen der Seriosität.

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8338443200


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