
Laospeople2 Meldungen



Hoch (2 Meldungen)


Laos (+856)


Letzte Meldung

03.07.2023 um 07:55 Uhr


Am häufigsten gemeldet (1 Meldung)


Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8562504451



Kostenfalle 1 Meldung
50 %
Keine Angabe 1 Meldung
50 %

Aktivität der letzten 120 Tage

Insgesamt wurde die Rufnummer +8562504451 erst 3 mal angefragt. Die höchste Aktivität (1 Anfragen) wurde Heute (11.05.2024) verzeichnet.

Details zur Rufnummer

Rückwärtssuche: Die Telefonnummer +856 250-445-1 stammt (laut Internationaler Vorwahl 00856) aus Laos. 2 User-Meldungen für diese Rufnummer führen zu der Annahme, dass es sich um folgenden Typ handelt: Kostenfalle.

Herkunftsland Laos (Ländervorwahl 00856)
Internationale Schreibweisen 008562504451
+856 2504451
+856 250 445 1
+856 250-445-1

Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8562504451


Wie bewertest Du diese Meldung von Patricia Frahm?

A "gentleman" by the supposed name of James Taylor called my parents' home number and informed my father that he was 4th place and won one million dollars and a new vehicle. He gave him some number he was told to give them when they call him back tomorrow. I tried calling the number he gave my father but it isn't being answered and it says the text number isn't able to take calls. I looked up the number and it doesn't come up as a legitimate number. My parents were scammed before for thousands of dollars. My parents are well into their senior years and my father is a more than trusting soul and I hate seeing either one of them being preyed upon. I need someone to look into this. My father asked me to find out who this guy really is. When my father asked him who he represented, he said something about "United" something or another. I am telling him to not answer the call if/when they called tomorrow. I'm going to block the number from their home phone.

Super & Danke!


Herkunftsland der Rufnummer: +8562504451

2 User-Meldungen
Wem gehört die Nummer +8562504451?



03.07.2023 um 07:55 Uhr
Saint Paul


02.07.2023 um 04:10 Uhr
Patricia Frahm aus St. Paul, Minnesota

A "gentleman" by the supposed name of James Taylor called my parents' home number and informed my father that he was 4th place and won one million dollars and a new vehicle. He gave him some number he was told to give them when they call him back tomorrow. I tried calling the number he gave my father but it isn't being answered and it says the text number isn't able to take calls. I looked up the number and it doesn't come up as a legitimate number. My parents were scammed before for thousands of dollars. My parents are well into their senior years and my father is a more than trusting soul and I hate seeing either one of them being preyed upon. I need someone to look into this. My father asked me to find out who this guy really is. When my father asked him who he represented, he said something about "United" something or another. I am telling him to not answer the call if/when they called tomorrow. I'm going to block the number from their home phone.

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Wie bewertest Du die
Seriosität der Rufnummer? +8562504451

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